This week we explore the art of the Rococo and Neoclassical periods in Europe and America. Please see the slides posted on our Blackboard website as well as the Discussion Board homework, which includes links to current art history challenges to recreate works of art using everyday objects in your home. This week’s readings are located under “Rococo and Neoclassicism” under the Readings tab at the top of this page. The image on the right is a painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, the French painter who produced two of the works in the Rococo part of this week’s lesson. Fragonard’s The Progress of Love series can be experienced in the Frick Collection, which is housed in a mansion built by the American industrialist Henry Clay Frick and located on East 71st Street. The museum is closed for renovation but the collection has been moved to a temporary location on Madison Avenue (the old Whitney Museum space).