Tag Archives: exam

Announcement: FINAL EXAM notes and Terminology

Reminder, the FINAL EXAM is next Tuesday, December 20th at 11:30 AM. Please be on time, arrive early! Thank you all for participating in class and on the OpenLab.  As a parting gift to you, I’ve included the vocabulary words … Continue reading

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Announcement: Latest Slide List and Short List are ONLINE

Under Class Downloads are the latest slide list (#8) and the short list for the FINAL. Don’t forget the FINAL is on TUESDAY DECEMBER 20th at 11:30 am. All Final Exams will be given during their scheduled dates and times, … Continue reading

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Announcement: Reminder Exam 2 is on Tues, Nov 15

Please arrive early for your exam at 11:30 am tomorrow.  We begin with slide identifications, and if you miss them, we cannot go back. Also, under slidelists/class downloads is the latest slide list (we’re up to 7!!!)  Bring a copy … Continue reading

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Announcement: Short List for Exam 2 is ONLINE

In case you came in late on Thursday, the short list for Exam 2 (Tues NOV 15) is now online under “class dowloads” in the “slide lists” section.  Also, be sure to study the important names, Christian narratives, and vocabulary … Continue reading

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