Announcement: Latest Slide List and Short List are ONLINE

Under Class Downloads are the latest slide list (#8) and the short list for the FINAL.

Don’t forget the FINAL is on TUESDAY DECEMBER 20th at 11:30 am. All Final Exams will be given during their scheduled dates and times, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please arrive EARLY!

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Real Art or Digital?

I would love to go see the actual real art masterpieces but to be honest, in the times we are dealing with it, its hard to go around the world and actually go see it. If I could I most definitely would. But if you can’t see the actual work then I see nothing wrong with the next best thing; a digital reproduction of the work.
I feel that even though the image might not be the actual real thing to me the image is what is important. The story, the message, the feelings or opinions that the artist was trying to convey, those are what’s really important and of course how it effects audiences (their feelings on the work or subject and can even sometimes inspire people as well).

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“Carsten Höller: Experience”

I do not feel like this is exactly art, although it calls upon many of the same viewer/participant as the Sistine Chapel and the Cornaro Chapel with Bernini’s Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. To me, this isn’t art because it seems more like sensory stimulation- turned-science experiment. The article from the New York Time discussed the jarring effects the exhibit evokes from the participant, and in that way it is similar to the way the Michelangelo and Bernini attempted to evoke a response from those viewing their works. Yet Höller’s work demands much more than viewing, and the disjointed and full-sensory experience offered by the show seems much less art and much more scientific.

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Raft Of Medusa

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Discussion Topic: Unpacking Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

Picasso, Les Demoiselles D'Avignon, 1907

Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon is a masterpiece of western art in the collection at MoMA.  Some have suggested Picasso’s painting is the most important work in Modern Art.  Picasso executed over a hundred sketches and preparatory studies before completing the painting in 1907.  Explore the following website on the artist and the painting.  Pay careful attention to the sections “Looking at the Work” and “Preparatory Drawings,” and study the details of the picture.  What strikes you as most interesting in Picasso’s Demoiselles? Do you think the painting was controversial for its time?

Columbia’s Unpacking Les Demoiselles D’Avignon website

Groups 4, 5, and 6: Please submit a post by Thursday, 12/15
Groups 1, 2, and 3: Please comment on a classmate’s post by Thursday, 12/15

Nota bene: You have two weeks to respond to this Discussion Topic!



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Carsten Höller Art

I believe Carsten Höller’s “Carsten Höller experience” is considered art. Art can be created in different ways and used  differently. Carsten Höller uses the method of touch, feel and sight to attract his audiences and wants his audience not to look at his artwork but to be engaged in it. When people hear the word “art”, they would mostly think its a painting or sculture etc.. but to Carsten Höller , i believe art to him is experiencing the art. Comparing Carsten Holler’s “Carsten Höller: Experience” to the Sistine Chapel, Carsten’s artwork is more creative and more appealing to modern audiences while the Sistine chapel is more appealed to religious followers.



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Art, Science, or Amusement Park?

Art gives you an opportunity to express yourself, your thoughts, ideas and how you visualization of things. Different from classic painting and sculptures Carsten Holler’s “Experience” really allows you to engage yourself in his work. I like the idea of the tank that emulates the dead sea exhibition because it brings the dead sea to you, it gives you a glimpse of how the dead sea would be like without having to go there. I personally like how the works are so different from each other, it makes the exhibition interesting. The goggles that give you an upside down view is amazing. The slide from the 4th floor to the 2nd is genius. Compared to classical work such as “Sistine Chapel” or “Bernini’s Ecstasy of Saint Teresa”, Hollers work is completely original. It escapes from paintings and sculptures that have historical backgrounds and brings you a unique modern day experience.

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4 icon assignment

David by Donatello

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The Four Icon Project

The Code Of Hammurabi Stele

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The Experience of Art

The best way to understand art is to have a first hand experience of it. Anybody talk about how good of an art piece looks by the color the artist used or the style that the artist had used. But not everybody can say that they have experienced by going on a ride or even trying to re-create the artist feelings when making that art piece. I believe that people can really get a great idea and a great feeling when they experience of the art. It can really give the person a greater understanding about that certain piece of art.

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