Masaccio’s Illusionism

I believe that Masaccio’s painting , the Holy trinity would have a great effect on viewers since the painting shows a divine historical background of renaissance. The Holy trinity not only shows the historical background of renaissance but also the warm feeling of god’s presence by centering him in the middle of the painting. Masaccio also gives a realistic life form to the people in the painting which would be appealing to viewers. Not only that is appealing in the painting but the math and science that is used in the painting gives the painting more of a better understanding of renaissance.

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2 Responses to Masaccio’s Illusionism

  1. Algenis says:

    The Holy Trinity is a great painting and yes it has a lot of math and science in it, because how the artist want us to think there is a room but it is only a illusion.

  2. inzyk says:

    The Holy Trinity is an interesting piece of work Masaccio did because the set up obviously give you a sense that its holy. Another fascinating trait of this artwork was the way he used math and science to pretty much develop the painting.

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