Reminder, the FINAL EXAM is next Tuesday, December 20th at 11:30 AM. Please be on time, arrive early!
Thank you all for participating in class and on the OpenLab. As a parting gift to you, I’ve included the vocabulary words below for the last section of the final exam. Think of your answers ahead of time!
The exam is NOT cumulative, make sure you download the short list of Final under “slide lists” in the “class documents” section.
Part I: 5 slide identifications
Identify by artist name, title, date, stylistic period, and significance
Part II: 4 short answer question
Part III: 2 comparison essays
You will need to identify each work by artist and title
Part IV: Choose 4 terms to define and give an example
The terms are:
pointilism, Action Painting, en plein air, history painting, personification, primitivism, tenebrism, daguerreotype, abstraction, Ukiyo-e
Extra Credit (optional)
Test your art history skills, see how many works of art you recognize in the following music video by the French-American band Hold Your Horses:
“70 Million” by Hold Your Horses