Unpacking Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

The thing that strikes me when I looked at it for the first time was what is it and what does it mean. The painting look like a little kid made this art work. The women in the painting look so weird they don’t look real at all. I think it was very controversial the painting had during the time.  Women would be mad at the painting because they don’t think they would look like that.  Another reason is that some artist may think this is not artwork but a children works.


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2 Responses to Unpacking Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

  1. You make a good point. When you look at Picasso’s previous paintings and compare them to this painting it makes you think what is he doing. From painting master pieces to making a painting that looks like children’s work. Although it seems out of sync, i think it is something that make Picasso different. He was willing to paint something different regardless of the criticism he could have or did receive.

  2. benitezj92 says:

    You guys have your own point of views on paintings and drawings. I’m all into abstract paintings. To me I honestly see this as another great masterpiece done by Picasso. Then Picasso was a prodigy so he had all that talent since he was young. He never had the chance to really draw like a kid and that’s basically what this painting is for. Art doesn’t always have to look real or how its expected to be, which is why this type of painting is called abstract.

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