The Blast of Culture

Rashaad Newsome has a very distinct way of putting his works of art together.  Although I never see much art, I thought Mr. Newsomes work was very intersting. To the naked eye one would challenge the Rasshaads work but after looking at his art, I saw the diversity within hia art. I saw the diffferent cultures and the history that help to portray the sense of cultural diffusion. Can anyone imagine looking at other works of art and not understanding what the purpose of piece is but when looking at Rashaads work you get a sense of meaning and asense of pride? i agree with the statement,“He is very much a child of this generation who embraces everything that moves and is pop and is music, and puts it in a blender and makes it their own, so I’m impressed by that,” said Klaus Biesenbach because, as a generation with such lack of interest in many things, the things that do interest them such as hip hop, pop culture and bling, allows them to make connections with this variation of art.

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