i find the artwork of Rashaad Newsome to be very interesting but not quite my taste. i like how he combines modern pop culture with the ideas of heraldry, showing social or economic status which is what our society is based on today. he takes the things most of us see as being material wealth and some what shows it off, adding the 17th to 18th century style to it. its also interesting that he shows his work in his frames as well. uses a sense of 17th century neoclassical frame work and added bling to it with significant colors synonymous with  hip hop culture. the reason why i said its not my taste is because it bothers me that society revers material objects and loses sight on important things.not to turn this into a sociology course but violence is a product of individuals being unable to control their social status or feelings of self worth. anyways i do commend him for learning the background of the art then infusing his creative ideals into it. would be interesting to hear the publics reactions and if this would change the public’s views on hip hop and rap culture
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Professor Sandra Cheng
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New York Times Arts
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I love how you put this together. The way you’ve compared our world today and spoke about how he might have viewed the world is great.
I also agree that his ideas on how to combine modern pop culture and heraldry are very unique and interesting. Like for example the one where the framing is completely made out of chains that rappers (especially in the 80s) were most notoriously known for wearing. That right there, to me, is creative and inspiring. It reminds me how on one of the other discussions…is recyclable art still art. Before I stated yes and I still stick to it. To me Rashaad has done that, by using images or objects to change them into his views on a modern type of heraldry. I personally like some of his work especially the one with the neoclassical framing painted in colors normally seen on Ferraris. The video clip I personally don’t like and the first image seen next to the topic discussion is not bad but I don’t love it. But again his work is interesting because it gives people a different way to look at things (in this case heraldry) and makes you think.