Holy Trinity

I think that Masaccio’s Holy Trinity made an astounding effect on the viewers. He used not only the linear perspective but also brought up new Renaissance ideas like Humanity and Realism. Even though all the characters were flat, they still looked alive and realistic, by painting them in normal human size. The other detail that could surprise people of that age was depicting God as a human. He was “not a force or a power, or something abstract like that, but a man. A man who stands — his feet are foreshortened, and he weighs something and walks, and, I suppose, even has toenails! In medieval art, God was often represented by a hand, just a hand, as though God was an abstract force or power in our lives, but here he seems so much like a flesh and blood man!” (http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/holy-trinity-santa-maria-novella-florence). The intention was to bring God closer to people.

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2 Responses to Holy Trinity

  1. kdelarosa24 says:

    Masaccio’s Holy trinity is truly astounding. It opens up our minds and really helps give an idea of what the trinity might have actually looked like. Back when it was made, I am sure that it did the same exact thing for the people of that time. There’s an old saying, “a picture says a thousand words”. There are many things that this work of art can tell us.

  2. The holy trinity looks very large and realistic. if you look at Jesus his body looks real because he has the body of a perfect man. His drapery even looks real with the curves and the picture, i believe is a modeling where the drawing comes to like and has some curves.

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