I would imagine that Masaccio’s painting would have a revolutionary effect on the way people at the time think of art, kind of like polyclitus and the spear bearer. His painting reminds me of the second style frescos in a roman house, 60 bc. So it took a while to perfect the math. The logic he uses for his painting is also remarkable, painting his masterpiece in sections, using string and geometric instruments to create complex shapes. I could only imagine the effect it must have on the religious community. Giving them a sense that the painting is apart of the room therefore depicting that Jesus is also present.
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Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Namm 602B
Office Hours: Tu/Th 9-10 am or by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduHelpful Links
New York Times Arts
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This painting it amazing! It like 3D! I agree with Tony; Masaccio’s Frescos probably inspired many Renaissance viewers in his time. This probably cause many other painters to mimic and perfect this style of painting. It is astonishing how much math this frescos involves, yet it was created in an era with no computers or calculators. I believe that Masaccio’s style of paint is coming back in the modern world today. Also, I think that we finally perfected this style. If you go to the links below and look at the painting. You can clearly see how much this style has evolved and has been perfected.
i agree with Joe it is extraordinary how these artist drew these painting because it looks so perfect. The paintings make me feel like i am at the site of whats occurring in the paint, like the one when the guy looks like he is fallen into a whole it looks so realistic. these artist probably spent most of their lives trying to perfect their art to make it look 3D
Masaccio’s work, The Trinity, is an amazing work of art. It’s painted on a 2D surface but utilizing Filippo Brunelleschi’s invention on linear perspective, it looks very 3D like. Like others have mentioned this work makes you really believe that when looking upon it you might feel like you’re in a room with the subjects (in this case God, Jesus, Mary and John). I believe if it wasn’t for this masterpiece the Reinanssance may not have occured. I say this because many well-known architects, painters, and sculptors had used this very techniques to create their masterpieces, especailly Leonardo Da Vinci.
This technique has helped and still continues to help with the evolution of art. Without it we would probably be stuck having illustrations (and probably sculptures) that are flat and have no sense of realism.