Pilgrimages Then and Now

The difficulties encountered by medieval and modern pilgrims should be relatively the same for both past and present. Both medieval and modern pilgrims had to worry about food, water, shelter, weather, and the route. I believe that the modern pilgrim’s journey is easier then the journey that the medieval pilgrims had to take because modern pilgrims can wear good sneakers and waterproof clothing which help a lot when hiking. Some modern pilgrims even bike the route! Medieval pilgrims did not have these luxuries.

Although the route is extremely long, I would not mine taking the journey under a two conditions. I would like an ambulance or someone that is emergency medical technician certified and a person who know the route to accompany me. After reading that some people die during this pilgrimage, I think it necessary to bring someone knowledgeable in these two fields. But all in all, I think that the journey would be great excise, a good way to relief stress and enjoy the outdoors.

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3 Responses to Pilgrimages Then and Now

  1. eliyahoo says:

    It would definitely be easier in modern day, with all the hiking gear out there. I have a friend who hiked 2000 miles last summer, FOR FUN! He took along a knapsack, folding tent and a sleeping bag, and some just-add-water meals, and had a great time. Of course, he had the luxury of taking a bus back home, but for someone who is going for a purpose and is driven, this is definitely doable.
    http://www.hikingandbackpacking.com/hiking_tips.html for anyone planning on making the trek.

  2. stanley says:

    I agree with you because modern day today is more advanced in technologies so it would be easier to travel with technologies. The 21st century is all about technologies and being materialistic so pilgrimage in modern day is definitely not difficult if we pack the right stuff to travel. Also i would want a person to accompanying me because in the movie 127 hours, the main character is severely wounded and have to waited 127 hours until people rescued him. I wouldn’t want that happening to me during a pilgrimage cause that is worse thing to happen in modern day.

  3. Tony says:

    i agree, the main necessities would be the biggest problems for the pilgrims. knowing what route to take is even more important. in medieval not all places would have been easy to travel to. modern day roads make traveling a little easier. upon leaving Gasconny they encountered two rivers which according to the reading would be impossible to cross without a boat. at this time all travels would have to pay a fee to cross. so i would say that the pilgrims in medieval times had it much worst than modern travelers.

    would i take this journey? yes, if i have my mp3 with me. seriously, the main point of the walk is all about reflection. weather it be on your life of someone else’s or some kind of enlightenment or inner peace. like what one of the travelers said in the video. its a great way to test your body, mind and even your soul. lets not forget the wine fountain at Bodegas Irache and the communal meals in groups.

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