Monthly Archives: September 2011

Announcement: Test Yourself!

Try out some sample questions for Exam 1.  Look under Class Downloads for some sample test questions.  Send your answers to me to see how you’re doing. Your first exam is on Thursday, October 6th at 11:30 am.  Come early! … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Graffiti as History, Graffiti as Art

Graffiti has existed since ancient times and continues as an important form of creative expression today. Watch the following videos on contemporary artists Barry McGee (b. 1966) and Margaret Kilgallen (d. 2001) and the beginning of a clip on Roman … Continue reading

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Commodus as Hercules?

It looks likes the passage basically describes what Commodus looks like in the sculpture. He is dressed up to be seen as a giant. Which may explain why the legs are not shown in the sculpture. Its probably its because … Continue reading

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Evil Commodus

After reading the “Life of Commodus” I got a basic view of Commodus as an evil and power hungry emperor. He was passionate about killing and showing off his creative ways of torturing people. As described in the text, the … Continue reading

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Commodus called Hercules??

In lampridius’ biography Historia Augusta Commodus is portrayed as a gruesome vile individual. Killing any and everyone who opposes him in anyway. Lampridius even gives accounts of Commodus’ destructive behavior in his most peaceful moments. Calling some men one eye … Continue reading

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Pericles speech views how a Greek ideal man should be. Pericles says that “that the Lacedaemonians do not invade our country alone, but bring with them all their confederates; while we Athenians advance unsupported into the territory of a neighbour … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: How evil was Commodus?

You may have heard of the gladiator-obsessed Roman Emperor Commodus (reign 180-192 AD) made infamous in the movie Gladiator. Read sections 9-11 of the Life of Commodus in Lampridius’s biography Historia Augusta. Write a 100-word interpretation of the Roman portrait … Continue reading

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Views on masculinity

In Pericles speech, he had mentioned some points on what he perceives makes a true and idealistic man, “you must yourselves realize the power of Athens, and feed your eyes upon her from day to day, till love of her … Continue reading

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Polykleitos’ Doryphoros (c.450-440)

Pericles states “… you must reflect that it was by courage, sense of duty, and a keen feeling of honour in action that men were enabled to win all this, and that no personal failure in an enterprise could make … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: How was masculinity defined in Ancient Greece compared to today?

  Polykleitos’ Doryphoros (c.450-440) is regarded as an example of the ideal Greek male. Read the famous funeral oration given during the Peloponnesian War by Pericles, leader of Athens. Highlight one trait of manliness in Pericles’ speech and discuss how … Continue reading

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