Category Archives: Uncategorized

Response to The Greatest War Photograph and Capa

It’s hard to tell if the photo is staged or not because it is possible to have been staged or not.  I think any photo is capable of that argument.  If the photo is staged and it doesn’t look it … Continue reading

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When restaurants advertise the food they sell they have to make it look good so that people would buy it.  Like when you look at it you decided if you want to buy it or not and if they actually … Continue reading

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BW New York street photography Since we started touching on street photography lately in class I thought I’d share this artist’s blog. I love street photographs of New York. You can really see anything on the streets of New York and I love … Continue reading

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Everyday Modern Photography

Evan Tetreault’s Tumblr Page i’ve been into photography for a little over a year and people would always ask me who my favorite photographer was and i could never answer that until i came across Evan Tetreault. He’s not extremely … Continue reading

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Sebastian on Photographing the Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement

In my opinion, Frank’s “art” photography, and Counts’ news photography are both very effective types of photography to show the injustice in American society. Frank didn’t like getting near the people he photographed, and also he didn’t want them to … Continue reading

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Photos: Tetrapod beaches of Japan

Tetrapod beaches of Japan Tetrapod beaches of Japan These photographs are of tetrapods located in japan tetrapods are used to prevent coastal erosion. These images are amazing, the shape of the tetrapods are nothing like I’ve seen before in fact … Continue reading

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train photo’s

While looking at the photo’s one gets a sense of worry without even knowing that the era they were taking in was during the depression. Each photo describes a different story in the facial expression. I believe this is incredible, … Continue reading

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Some of the earliest color photographs of New York

I have recently came across this article that shows some of the earliest color photographs of New York. They were made in 1941-42 by Charles Weever Cushman on, at that time, a very expensive color Kodak film. I found … Continue reading

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a trip to the moon

Throughout the film one could see some practices of early photography. For instance the filmmaker created depth in the beginning seconds of the film by seating everyone at an angle where one could see the stairs, causing the view to … Continue reading

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