Author Archives: sebacen1989

Jeff Wall and Staged Photography in the 2lst Century

My opinion on staged photography is not very different from others. I do believe that staged photography is a form of art. Manipulation of photographies has changed a lot throughout the years. Specially with the new programs like photoshopped and … Continue reading

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Nan Goldin’s Scopophilic View of the Louvre

There is a big different between the “high art” in Louvre collection and Goldin’s contemporary photographs. To start with, the Louvre collection is more artistic, she concentrates more on sculptures, designs, photo backgrounds, for example; “Cupid with his Wings on … Continue reading

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The Greatest War Photograph and Capa

There is a big controversy whether Robert Capa’s photograph, “Falling Soldier” is true or not. The photograph, supposedly taken at the exact moment when a Spanish soldier was shot, is claimed by others to be staged. One of the reason … Continue reading

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The Art of Food Photography

Food is a big part of every single culture. Most countries have their own unique dishes that distinguish them from others. Photographers are taking photography to another level. They’re taking pictures of dishes which look mouthwatering to promote food. However, … Continue reading

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Sebastian on Photographing the Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement

In my opinion, Frank’s “art” photography, and Counts’ news photography are both very effective types of photography to show the injustice in American society. Frank didn’t like getting near the people he photographed, and also he didn’t want them to … Continue reading

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