Author Archives: Sandra Cheng

Announcement: Photo Midterm Postponed until Tues Oct 25

Since I am canceling class on Tues 10/18, I will postpone the midterm until next Tuesday Oct 25 at 10 am!    

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Discussion Topic: Rooms from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

Explore the works of Robert Polidori, who uses a large-format camera to capture environments that range from the French palace of Versailles to the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina or the nuclear accident at Chernobyl.  Polidori has been criticized for … Continue reading

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Announcement: Information on Exam Format

You will find under ‘Class Downloads’ a guideline of the exam format along with sample questions.  In addition, the short list for the midterm is posted under the ‘Slide Lists’ section.  You will only see images taken from this short … Continue reading

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Reminder: Writing Assignment #1 is Due Thurs Oct 6

Don’t forget there is no class on Tuesday Oct 4 (CUNY is running a Friday schedule). Your first paper is due in class this Thursday, Oct 6. Readings are located online under “Supplementary Readings” in the “Class Downloads” section of … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Old Processes, New Photos, New Advertising

Many photographers today are reviving the photographic processes of the Civil War era. A California news article reports on several photographers in San Francisco who are producing photographs with the wet-plate process. Even Louis Vuitton highlights wet-plate photography in his … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Photography, Tumblr, and Copyright

Photo District News recently published an article “Why Photographers Love Tumblr.” What do you think of the open access to photographers’ images?  Do you find the issue of copyright troubling? The photographer Brantley Gutierrez’s success with Tumblr is discussed in … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Pictures of Pictures

In a recent New York Times article, Roberta Smith notes the increasingly common use of cameras, especially cellphones by viewers when interacting with art. In particular, she discusses the behavior of visitors to the Venice Biennale, an exhibition of contemporary … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Fashion + Photography = Art?

The New York Times interview with photographer David Armstrong raises interesting questions about the intersections of art, fashion, and documentary.  These realms occasionally collide in Armstrong’s work.  What questions does the interview raise?  What does Armstrong think of the history … Continue reading

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Hello ARTH 1100 students! Welcome to the course website for Professor Sandra Cheng’s course of the History of Photography.  Our section will operate differently from other sections of the course.  The web is an integral component to our class this … Continue reading

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