Author Archives: Gianny Matias


I choose this photo because I think it gives you a sense of humor. The top of the pumpkin kid of gives the pumpkin a face or personality. The lighting looks really well too you can’t tell anything is behind … Continue reading

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Photography In My Life.

since this is my 6th post i thought i’d make this about myself & my love for photography. I’ve been into photography for a little over a year now but just recently started taking it seriously. I don’t think i’ve … Continue reading

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The City That Never Sleeps.

My friend told me about these photos taken around wall street early in the morning of people in new york city and i thought it sound boring but when she send me the link i was very entertained by the … Continue reading

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Into Fredriks Mind.

I came across this photography website of a man named Fredrik Odman. Fredrik’s work is pretty weird but weird in a good way he does A LOT of retouching in photoshop. I love his website because right off the back … Continue reading

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The Bang Bang Club.

In my graphic principles class my professor had told me about a famous photograph taken by a south african photographer by the name of Kevin Carter of a vulture stalking its prey but its prey happened to be a little … Continue reading

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Everyday Modern Photography

Evan Tetreault’s Tumblr Page i’ve been into photography for a little over a year and people would always ask me who my favorite photographer was and i could never answer that until i came across Evan Tetreault. He’s not extremely … Continue reading

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Photos: Tetrapod beaches of Japan

Tetrapod beaches of Japan Tetrapod beaches of Japan These photographs are of tetrapods located in japan tetrapods are used to prevent coastal erosion. These images are amazing, the shape of the tetrapods are nothing like I’ve seen before in fact … Continue reading

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