Author Archives: asmith129

Response to The Bang Bang Club

This photograph is so sad and also what happens to the photographer months later and what would happen to the child.  Its sad to see people living like this and people who are privileged are taking advantage of what they do have. … Continue reading

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Response to Jeff Wall and Staged Photography in the 2lst Century View

I just realized watching this video that, stage photography can have just as much meaning as a non staged photography, because most times, we don’t know its staged unless someone tells us and we just think that the photographer just … Continue reading

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Legendary Lensman Arthur Elgort On His Life In Fashion Photography I decided to post this because I know we talked a little about fashion photography a while ago and after the review assignments, I went to the Harper’s Bazaar exhibit and I wanted to know some more on the … Continue reading

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Response to BW New York street photography

I agree, You can see a lot and tell a lot from street photography.  Its something so authentic about them.  You can see how the majority of people act and like.  You can sometimes picture yourself in the photos because … Continue reading

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Response to The Greatest War Photograph and Capa

It’s hard to tell if the photo is staged or not because it is possible to have been staged or not.  I think any photo is capable of that argument.  If the photo is staged and it doesn’t look it … Continue reading

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When restaurants advertise the food they sell they have to make it look good so that people would buy it.  Like when you look at it you decided if you want to buy it or not and if they actually … Continue reading

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