Jeff Wall and Staged Photography in the 2lst Century

My opinion on staged photography is not very different from others. I do believe that staged photography is a form of art. Manipulation of photographies has changed a lot throughout the years. Specially with the new programs like photoshopped and others, we can now add or substract things from the picture. Back then, manipulation was different. It only meant placing people in certain possition, or probably switch a few things around in the enviroment. I personally prefer old fashion staged photographies, although, the new style of staged photography can be pretty interesting and fun as well.

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One Response to Jeff Wall and Staged Photography in the 2lst Century

  1. victor46 says:

    I believe stage photography is an art form altogether. To be able to manipulate someone or something in order to capture a photograph is easier say than done. In order to direct someone in a position that seem like they are in motion when really they are not moving at all is very hard to do. To capture that motion and emotion take great skill. I have seen great photographers from early photography to the modern day perform this unbelievable task of stage photography. My all-time favorite stage photographer would have to be David Lachapelle. David Lachapelle is a present day fashion photographer who has master the art of stage photography. His work I find to be the definition of stage photography.

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