The Greatest War Photograph and Capa

There is a big controversy whether Robert Capa’s photograph, “Falling Soldier” is true or not. The photograph, supposedly taken at the exact moment when a Spanish soldier was shot, is claimed by others to be staged. One of the reason it is believed to be staged is because in the second photography, it appears as if the ‘falling soldier’ was in the second photograph, all the way on the left side. Another reason is because Gallagher believed to have shared a room with Capa, however, Gallagher’s memory was failing him, which means it could have been any other person sharing a room with him. In dispite of this, Brotons, another soldier who fought in the Spanish Civil War, remember the death of a soldier named Feredico Garcia. This is the man believed to be in Capa’s photo. When they showed Capa’s photograph to Federico’s younger brother, he confirmed that he was the man in the photograph. This evidence confirmed that Capa’s photograph is legitimate, disregarding every doubt that other people had.

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