Everyday Modern Photography

Evan Tetreault’s Tumblr Page

i’ve been into photography for a little over a year and people would always ask me who my favorite photographer was and i could never answer that until i came across Evan Tetreault. He’s not extremely famous but his work is incredible in his website you find pictures of band performances, portraits, self portraits, landscapes and picture of his friends just hanging out the quality of his images are incredible some of the images he takes even looks like film photography they look so natural and pure. i just thought this will catch anyones attention weather you’re into photography or not.

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2 Responses to Everyday Modern Photography

  1. veljko says:

    I like his photographs as well, they do have some “old school” or retro feel to them. I like photo blogs like this, because they give a chance to anyone to share their work with the world. You don’t have to be famous or wait for your first exhibition. Also not all work is exhibition material but it is worth seeing it on blogs like these.
    As far as technical details, reading some of his posts and faq section I understood that he actually mostly uses film cameras. But, with today’s software it is very easy to make a crystal clear digital photo look like film, add grain etc. There are even presets that make it easy to imitate different film/camera combinations.

  2. Thanks for sharing Evan’s work. His work seems very genuine, I got the feel that he’s a very laid back guy. I’m not sure if the joint in one of the pictures gave me that feeling or that its 3am and i feel relaxed. Also, it could just be the feeling we get from a leica 7. I’m curious if you like the quality of the images, the composition or the message. Either way his work is cool and I’d definitely like to keep checking up on his work. The quality that you can get from a leica 7 is absolutely gorgeous, I wish I owned one. Hopefully Santa feels generous this year.

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