Monthly Archives: December 2011

Response to Jeff Wall Discussion Topic

I don’t see anything wrong about staging a photograph. It does involve a lot of creation artistically in order to capture that image that only your eyes could see. Staged photographs continue from the 19th century till now, and I think it will still be … Continue reading

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Response to Nan Goldin’s Discussion Topic

Only a spectacular person like Nan Goldin would be able to transform in an originality form paintings and sculptures by bringing it to real live photography. Her focus of nude beauty is really noticeable in her exhibit, Scopohilia, as shown … Continue reading

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Jeff Wall and Staged Photography in the 2lst Century

My opinion on staged photography is not very different from others. I do believe that staged photography is a form of art. Manipulation of photographies has changed a lot throughout the years. Specially with the new programs like photoshopped and … Continue reading

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Nan Goldin’s Scopophilic View of the Louvre

There is a big different between the “high art” in Louvre collection and Goldin’s contemporary photographs. To start with, the Louvre collection is more artistic, she concentrates more on sculptures, designs, photo backgrounds, for example; “Cupid with his Wings on … Continue reading

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Photos that changed the World

I think this video where Mr. Jonathan Klein talks about the photos that changed the world is interesting to talk about. It is relevant to the recent war related photos we have discussed in class. He talks about how the images push … Continue reading

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Death v.s. Photography

“What the Photograph reproduces to infinity has occurred only once: the Photograph mechanically repeats what could never be repeated existentially.” — Roland Barthes In this digital era, photography enables us to capture our important moments in our own life, store … Continue reading

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Response to The Bang Bang Club

This photograph is so sad and also what happens to the photographer months later and what would happen to the child.  Its sad to see people living like this and people who are privileged are taking advantage of what they do have. … Continue reading

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Response to Jeff Wall and Staged Photography in the 2lst Century View

I just realized watching this video that, stage photography can have just as much meaning as a non staged photography, because most times, we don’t know its staged unless someone tells us and we just think that the photographer just … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Jeff Wall and Staged Photography in the 2lst Century

We’ve reached the end of the semester and you’ve probably noticed the issue of staged photographs persists from the 19th century till now.  Jeff Wall’s large-scale photographs exemplify the use of staged photography in contemporary art.  Watch a short interview … Continue reading

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Legendary Lensman Arthur Elgort On His Life In Fashion Photography I decided to post this because I know we talked a little about fashion photography a while ago and after the review assignments, I went to the Harper’s Bazaar exhibit and I wanted to know some more on the … Continue reading

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