Photography In My Life.

since this is my 6th post i thought i’d make this about myself & my love for photography. I’ve been into photography for a little over a year now but just recently started taking it seriously. I don’t think i’ve really developed a style yet i think you develop your style after years of photography. The reason i love photography is because you have the power to make something that isn’t necessarily beautiful into something beautiful. People walk pass benches, trees, homeless people, dogs, taxis, garbage’s but never think twice about looking back but when you go to photography galleries you might see a picture of a simple bench and think its the most gorgeous thing you have seen. My two favorite photographers are Evan Tetreault who i made a post about previously and also Tragik i love photographs that never get boring like theirs. Hopefully if i keep practicing i’ll one day be on the level that they’re on.

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