Most Photographed Subject

What is the most photographed subject in the world?

This is really good question. First of it is hard to determine by fact but easy to tell from what we see everyday. I guess it also depends how one understand this question. Because when I googled it, there were different answers. For me, I don’t mean like a specific specific subject (like the effil tower or the time sqaure). I mean a general specific subject.

In my opinion, women are most photographed. Just because it is true. (Before photography, most likely women were most painted.) If you think about it, everywhere you go you see a photo of a women, especially in adds. Women should be photographed the most because there is nothing better to photograph. (This has nothing to do with pornography)

And the best answer on yahoo answers: “In general the most photographed thing would be a flower. Specifically speaking the most photographed thing in the world would proably be the whore living next door to me.”

I found this, hmm?



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