Old Brooklyn

For those who are familiar with parts of Brooklyn, I came across this website with images of Brooklyn (and parts of Manhattan) from early 1900s and on. I look at the pictures and begin to wonder what it would be like to live during those times. It’s interesting to see how that area has changed completely especially if you live in that area. Some of the buildings images of my neighborhood are still standing today.


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One Response to Old Brooklyn

  1. Komol F. says:

    That website has some interesting pictures. Some areas were like country side even in the 1900s and slowly turn to a city. If you look at the pictures chronologically, the change is fascinating. As the time moves, the streets and roads are improving and getting narrower at the same time. The houses have the similar structure but the number is increasing. The buildings are increasing and also getting taller. The cars change from horsecarts to few crossley cars abd to many Oldsmobile and ford cars. The trolley slowly decrease and eventually disappear. I think taking photos like these are good for history and documentation.

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