Do you consider Album covers or commercial photography?

I ask myself this question because I don’t think I’ve ever been to a museum or have read any articles talking about the creativity of an album cover aside from Andres Serrano’s “Semen and Blood” photograph used on Metallica’s Load album cover. I personally feel that more album covers should be considered art and should be displayed in museums and such. When I began photographing I was fortunate to have someone teach me. My mentor was Daniel Hastings; he has shot classic hip hop albums suchs as Wu-Tang’s “Enter the Wu” to Big Pun’s “Yeeeah Baby” and many others. One of the things I learned from him wasn’t just how to be professional but how to add a personal touch to his work and how he connected with such diva personalities in an effective way in order to get the best outcome. I think this realm of photography is a bit understated, what do you think?

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