Photos that changed the World

I think this video where Mr. Jonathan Klein talks about the photos that changed the world is interesting to talk about. It is relevant to the recent war related photos we have discussed in class. He talks about how the images push for change in the world. He gives a lot of examples and describes them. He also say that photos are made by the ordinary people not the photographer.

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6 Responses to Photos that changed the World

  1. rfrancois says:

    Wow, simply put.. wow. If i could, i would hug this guy! I cannot even begin to say how much i appreciate the things he said in that video. There were photos that he showed that was actually discussed in my class. I talk about this topic with my colleagues all the time. There is so many wrong things going on in the world and what better way to show them then through photography? We (Not you and I Kamol) the world as a whole need to stand up and take things into our own hands. This topic world change is very sensitive to me. Thank you for the post Kamol.

    • victor46 says:

      I completely agree with you we as a nation should start fighting these problem immediately and to be put into action as soon as possible. There are so many issues that had happen and are happening to us and about time someone put their foot down and addressed these problems. This post is simply amazing.

  2. victor46 says:

    I found Jonathan Klein speech on photos that changed the world to be completely amazing. His point of view I believe is the right approach to dealing with the world’s problems. To continue life in this way is an insult to the human race. There are problem that he spoke of that are quiet fixable in the short term but there are problem that will take a great deal of effort. There were many photographs we discuss in class and I was quiet glad they in cooperated my favorite photographer of all time Alfred Eisenstaedt and his most famous photograph V–J Day in Times Square.

  3. vkim89 says:

    I completely agree with you, no one would know what the world would look like or anything that is going on without photography, it even contributes to all other media’s like television and radios. all these things helps us stay in tune and realize that there is a world out side out bubble. That there is so much every person can do and we start seeing how little we actually know about the things and people around the world outside of our lives.

  4. jieqchen says:

    This speech is impressive! Since it has started, photography has huge influence to human throughout the history. A photograph really worth thousands words. An article might not be able to attract the people to read, but a photograph would much more easier to attract people’s attention. There are lots of things going wrong in the world. Even though, we do not have the power to change it on our own, at least we can take a picture, record it down, share it to the rest of the world and call for other people’s attention to act against it. I agree with him that we are actually the ones who are making the photographs. We are not only the ones who are taking the photographs or recording it down, but we are also the ones who might be in the photographs or being recorded.

  5. Mykhaylo says:

    I agree with Mr. Jonathan Klein and with the students that photos can change the world. The pictures have a lot of power, power to attract people attention. If you see the pictures of hungry African children you can not ignore that problem, you want to do something to help.
    This speech is very impressive for me. Most of all I like the words “it’s not the photographer makes pictures it’s you”. The people usually take pictures of something that impressed them, that very important for them and they. And the other feel the same looking at this pictures.

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