Monthly Archives: October 2011

Some of the earliest color photographs of New York

I have recently came across this article that shows some of the earliest color photographs of New York. They were made in 1941-42 by Charles Weever Cushman on, at that time, a very expensive color Kodak film. I found … Continue reading

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Announcement: New Exhibition Option and Blog Update

As mentioned in class, I included a new exhibition option for Writing Assignment #2.  If you wish, you can review the other photography show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  This is two-part option: for your review, I would like … Continue reading

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a trip to the moon

Throughout the film one could see some practices of early photography. For instance the filmmaker created depth in the beginning seconds of the film by seating everyone at an angle where one could see the stairs, causing the view to … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Photography and Early Film

In 1902, Georges Méliès released the first science fiction film, A Trip to the Moon (Le voyage dans la lune). The filmmaker spared no expense for special effects.  Review the approximately 11-minute long film and consider the following questions.  Do … Continue reading

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Announcement: Photo Midterm Postponed until Tues Oct 25

Since I am canceling class on Tues 10/18, I will postpone the midterm until next Tuesday Oct 25 at 10 am!    

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Discussion Topic: Rooms from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

Explore the works of Robert Polidori, who uses a large-format camera to capture environments that range from the French palace of Versailles to the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina or the nuclear accident at Chernobyl.  Polidori has been criticized for … Continue reading

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Announcement: Information on Exam Format

You will find under ‘Class Downloads’ a guideline of the exam format along with sample questions.  In addition, the short list for the midterm is posted under the ‘Slide Lists’ section.  You will only see images taken from this short … Continue reading

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Reminder: Writing Assignment #1 is Due Thurs Oct 6

Don’t forget there is no class on Tuesday Oct 4 (CUNY is running a Friday schedule). Your first paper is due in class this Thursday, Oct 6. Readings are located online under “Supplementary Readings” in the “Class Downloads” section of … Continue reading

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