I choose this photo because I think it gives you a sense of humor. The top of the pumpkin kid of gives the pumpkin a face or personality. The lighting looks really well too you can’t tell anything is behind the pumpkin because of how bright it is.

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Photography Has Came A Long way

Seeing as this is my last post, I would just like to say that i am looking forward to what the future has in store for photography. In this digital age, we all can become photographers. It’s become very accessible and a camera isn’t needed. We can pull out our phones or handy devices and capture a special moment.. like that. I will definitely use what i learned in this course to further my understanding of photography in the future.

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Advertising and The tricks.

I believe that advertising these days are made to fool people and not even branch a product. It’s amazing how you would never see s specific kind of woman on a victoria secret catalog (My mom owns a lot of them). I noticed that all these women look the same! There are times where i think they sent my mom the same catalog twice. Not only clothing, but food also. I bought a meal from Taco Bell recently and the size of the taco in the picture was NOT the size it was out the wrapper. This happens to everyone on a regular basis but it just intrigues me.

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Creativity is Key

I have a friend who likes to take photos of the weirdest things. My brother, another photographer shared something true about talent. My friend and I were walking in a park near the Kings Plaza mall and he stopped in the middle of the street to take a picture of a traffic light going red! What was amazing was that in the photo, there isn’t a light. He caught the photo just as the light was turning. I first thought it was odd but like my brother told me “You can only try and be what you wanna be, Talent doesn’t have a actual description”.

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Prophet of Avant-Garde

I was taking a look at a few of Man Ray’s galleries and i found that he was a very talented innovator. He wasn’t only good at photography, he was skilled in other fields of work. There was a photo particularly named “The Primacy of Matter over Thought” that reminded me of a old detective movie I watched. The detective in the movie tool pictures of dead bodies on purpose to try and solve a crime. The only difference here is that the woman is naked in a pool of what seems to be blood. This Man Man Ray (Ha) was a genius, truly a timeless artist.

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Photography In My Life.

since this is my 6th post i thought i’d make this about myself & my love for photography. I’ve been into photography for a little over a year now but just recently started taking it seriously. I don’t think i’ve really developed a style yet i think you develop your style after years of photography. The reason i love photography is because you have the power to make something that isn’t necessarily beautiful into something beautiful. People walk pass benches, trees, homeless people, dogs, taxis, garbage’s but never think twice about looking back but when you go to photography galleries you might see a picture of a simple bench and think its the most gorgeous thing you have seen. My two favorite photographers are Evan Tetreault who i made a post about previously and also Tragik i love photographs that never get boring like theirs. Hopefully if i keep practicing i’ll one day be on the level that they’re on.

My Photography Tumblr

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It is a powerful tool no doubt, but sometimes it gets out of control.

www.Funevil.com more MR BEAN?

Using photoshop makes photos more powerful because the photographer has the power to improve his/her photo and add things to it. It is very usefull. With photoshop many mistakes can be fixed. The best part is you make make fun photos and create amazing art pieces.

I think these are very artistic.



Click here to view more.

The above website have other categories. They are pretty interesting.

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Most Photographed Subject

What is the most photographed subject in the world?

This is really good question. First of it is hard to determine by fact but easy to tell from what we see everyday. I guess it also depends how one understand this question. Because when I googled it, there were different answers. For me, I don’t mean like a specific specific subject (like the effil tower or the time sqaure). I mean a general specific subject.

In my opinion, women are most photographed. Just because it is true. (Before photography, most likely women were most painted.) If you think about it, everywhere you go you see a photo of a women, especially in adds. Women should be photographed the most because there is nothing better to photograph. (This has nothing to do with pornography)

And the best answer on yahoo answers: “In general the most photographed thing would be a flower. Specifically speaking the most photographed thing in the world would proably be the whore living next door to me.”

I found this, hmm?



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The Heart Breaking Photos?

The title of the slide show is “Heart Breaking Photos” I think they are made for fun and they are hilarious. I don’t find them heart breaking. May be because I thought they would be “heart breaking” in the sense of sad. But now that I think about it I think the author meant to say “heart breaking” in sense of cute and funny. Some of them if not all seem to be photoshoped. Take a look and comment on what you think.

Heart Breaking Photos

This is my favorite

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The Winner’s Circle

There is this photo on the Monthly photo challenge on Popphoto galleries that caught my eye rather quickly. It’s a really close up snapshot of a photographer and her daughter. The little girl looks as if she has cheetah eyes. Her eyelashes were wet and the photographer (her mom) thought due to that happening, her eyes were brought out. So she decided to take a picture and it won. Like what her mother said, “The eyes are what makes it”. It meaning the photo and i couldn’t agree more with her.

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