How to make a Peruvian Turkey for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a pretty exciting holiday, there is quite a mix of food at our house. A lot of Peruvian food and of course the classic turkey. We had rice, pastas, salads, and of course some mac and cheese. This year I cooked the turkey and some chicken for my family, It was a 20lb turkey and a whole chicken. So many people saw my pictures and said the turkey was burned but believe me when I tell you the turkey was so moist and delicious. How I made the turkey was I defrosted it, marinated it overnight with a wet rub which contained vinegar, dried aji panca, cumin, salt and pepper. I used the sauce and basted it every half hour. I laid my turkey over mirepoix and put butter under the skin of the breast of the turkey and baked it at 325 degrees until it reached 165 degrees.

I carved the chicken and seasoned it with some salt, pepper and dried thyme. I  stuffed it with cheese, mushrooms and raisins. I tied both the chicken together and baked it at 325 degrees until temperature reached 165. I saved all the bones to make stock. I made a mushroom sauce, added some oil in a pan, put mushrooms in and added some of the stock and then I added some wine and then I reduced it until it was thick and I seasoned with salt. Plating was easy, just added the mushrooms over the at the bottom and placed the chicken after i had untied it and sliced it.

turkey unpreparedturkey done

Carved Chicken