Our goal is to supplement architectural education with design practices, to better inform students on the processes and profession of architecture. Through a series of interactive sessions in the Fall and Spring semesters, we will explore the ‘Phases of Architecture and the ‘Expanded Scope of Architecture’, with topics ranging from portfolio development and office marketing to sustainability and technology through design/construction. The objective is to prepare students for the profession, but FXCollaborative will also be reserving paid summer/winter internship positions for at least one City Tech student that completes the mentorship series.
All 3rd, 4th, and 5th Year students, currently enrolled at the New York City College of Technology, are eligible.
Student Application Requirements:
- Cover Letter & Resume
- Completed Application Form (Linked Below)
- Current portfolio (if available) (not required)
How to Apply:
Submit your digital package as a single PDF via email to: ArchitecTech@citytech.cuny.edu
(10 MB limit)Format: “FXC 2021 – [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME].PDF”
- Applications Due: September 13th
- Selected Students Will Be Notified: September 27th
- Meeting Times: Every Monday at 5pm (10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/01, 11/08, 11/15)