Assignment Clarification

You have three things to do:

1- Upload an image of the project you are researching and presenting next week. Put your name and the name of the project in the title. Many of you have already done this.

2- Put together a presentation that we can view on the computer (PowerPoint, Indesign printed to PDF, etc.) You will give this in class. Keep it short and to the point. What do you like best/least about the project? What is innovative about the project? What are the key features. Remember that the goal of this presentation is to teach the rest of the class about the project so we can form teams and short list the projects we will focus on. You can also include links to animations on YouTube.

3- Put together a single 11 x 17 Landscape Format presentation board of the case study highlighting what is most important. Save this as a JPG and post it to the site before the next class. Title your post as Post2_Yourname_ProjectName.

Also print this 11 x 17 before class so it can be pinned up on the wall and discussed.

Posted in Annoucements, Faculty, Prof. Paul King | Leave a comment

Assignment 1: Canada house_Hochul kim

Posted in #1 My Chosen Case Study, Ho Chul Kim | Leave a comment

Meisha Guild – CHIP by Sci Arc/Caltec

Posted in #1 My Chosen Case Study, Assignments, Meisha Guild | Leave a comment

Milan Glosik – Florida International University

Posted in #1 My Chosen Case Study, Milan Glosik | Leave a comment

Welcome to Advanced Design and BIM

I am looking forward to an exciting semester of experimentation and pushing ourselves to our limits……..  Please review the course descriptions if you can prior to the first class on Thursday.

 Link to Assignments and Handouts/

Posted in Annoucements, Faculty, Prof. Paul King | Leave a comment