Category Archives: Assignments

Assignment 2: Canada house_PDF and Images_Hochul kim

Canada house pannel_ 11 by 17in : PDF File : Canada house_hochul kim Image files :

Posted in #2 Post Your Case Study, Ho Chul Kim | Leave a comment


This gallery contains 4 photos.


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Cheng Lin_Living Light

Living Light

Posted in #2 Post Your Case Study, Cheng Lin | Leave a comment

Jia Wu: Tidewater Virginia Unit 6 Unplugged (Assignment 1)

Posted in #1 My Chosen Case Study, Jia Wu | Leave a comment

Jia Wu; Tidewater Virginia 11×17 & PowerPoint (Assignment 2)


Posted in #2 Post Your Case Study, Jia Wu | Leave a comment

Template for Case Study Review

Please use this word template to critique each of the case studies. Each student must review and critique each case study and be prepared to discuss and make our selections at the beginning of our next class.  Keep all of … Continue reading

Posted in #3 Critique of other projects, Faculty, Prof. Paul King | Leave a comment

Alexis Rodriguez Appalachian Homestead Summary

Posted in #2 Post Your Case Study, Alexis Rodriguez | Leave a comment

Jason Robinson Parsons NS Steven

Posted in #2 Post Your Case Study, Assignments, Jason Robinson | Leave a comment

Oscar Morales – New Zealand

Posted in #1 My Chosen Case Study, Assignments, Oscar Morales | Leave a comment


Posted in #2 Post Your Case Study, Milan Glosik | Leave a comment