For Thursday March 11th

Continue to work on your physical hybrid model

  • You will need to show both conepts for buildings and for outdoor spaces.
  • Use two colors – one for outdoor (think green) and another for buildings.
  • Create 75 foot strips – straight, curves, triangles, etc. – or 40 foot strip

After you have completed your physical model – continue developement in Rhino

  • The Rhino model will ask you to think about slope and changes of grade
  • The Rhino model will clearly show the entrance/exits to the BQE
  • For now we will continue both a physical and a rhino model.

Presentation of your work:

  • Include one plan and one 3d view of your physical model (same as isometric below)
  • For your Rhino model include the following:
    • One isometric view from the North-West looking to the site (the corner of atlantic and Columbia)
    • One site plan – water is down
    • 3 Site Sections
      • One parallel to Columbia looking towards Hicks
      • One parallel to Congress looking towards Atlantic
      • One parallel to Atlantic looking towards Congress

Site inventory influences

  • As an overlay on your site plan – identify site inventory influences to which you have responded.
  • In particular you must determine how you are responding to the crossing of the greenway across Atlantic Avenue – (Bridge or no bridge? and how big?)
  • For those you have ignored – you must be prepared to explain why?
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