Homework for Tuesday March 2nd

This design studio is a Housing Studio – focusing on Affordable Housing with community and commercial support spaces integrated with the BQP – Greenway and outdoor open spaces. We will be only getting into detail of the individual units and a typical floor plate. The other buildings and spaces will be designed as massings. A lot of time during design will be spent on the overall design of the site and site plan design.

Group work:

All base maps showing proposed bubble diagrams and zoning should no longer show the BQE – but the BQP(greenway)

  • Each team must produce two (2) base maps to work from. We do not want to see the lines of the BQE below. One is at grade and one is a top view.
  • Finalize site bubble diagram locating possible locations for different uses. Relate these to adjacent uses.
  • Develop a site strategy concept for the full site. (Can look at Ariel’s gif)  gifmaker.me
  • Develop two site sections – this can come from the Rhino Model

Individual Work:

Precedent Studies: There are 3 different precedent studies – Housing – NYC, Housing International, and Urban Park. There is a MIRO board for this. There is a format to follow. Many of the requirements require diagrams of your own.

Example of circulation with nodes:



Additional Screen Captures from Today’s Class

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