Ahasan Haque Final Presentation Board

Final Presentation

Presentation Board

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Final Submission DUE Thursday 5/24 11:59pm (not Friday!!)

So thank you all for a great semester. The work was very exciting and really progressed throughout the semester. I will be in Wednesday from 12-1pm if anyone has any questions, needs help uploading any of their work or wants to look at their project again.

By Thursday at 11:59pm – please upload to your blogs:

  1. Your final presentation- What you presented (and any additions/corrections)
  2. (2) 30×40 pdf boards of your project that you would submit to a competition – there are examples on the previous post.

Thank you

Prof Jill

I will be around this summer – if you want to send me pdfs of your floorpans for marking up apartment layouts for your portfolio or anything else. (or if you would like to come for a site visit- I have projects under construction this summer).

Email me


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Grading Sheet for Final Presentation

grading final

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Project examples







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Grading Rubric

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Please review NYC.Gov Planning

You need to move beyond research and data collection and begin real analysis.  Research and Data Collection is just INVENTORY.  You must state your project goals before you can determine if any element in the inventory is an Asset or a Liability or perhaps both or neutral.  When you apply your goals to inventory then you are beginning to do ANALYSIS.

From this INVENTORY   >   ANALYSIS   process you should have a DESIGN RESPONSE.

Set your goals on creating a true circulation map – one that includes your analysis and a schematic design response.

There is a lot of existing data available for your review that will help you with your inventory and analysis. In particular look at the Archived Brooklyn Projects and read anything related to Downtown Brooklyn or for any project in the city that is similar to our own.


Of particular interest is the downtown brooklyn pedestrian study…. listed under other


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Exhibit at Brooklyn Historical Society

I just received this email that the BHS – in the building that we went to the roof (right above the coffee shop) has an exhibit on the history of the Brooklyn waterfront – and it is free to students – bring your id.


Check out the link for info and hours.


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