ASSIGNMENT 1: Site Documentation…then Analysis
Intent Site Analysis is an essential process for responsive architectural design at both the urban and building scales
Site Documentation: To develop drawings documenting existing conditions that serve as a basis for contextual analysis and architectural design work
Site Analysis: To develop a clear understanding of contextual forces in society and within the built environment that inform architectural and urban design strategies.
Students will analyze social patterns, behaviors, flows, and narratives specific to the sites in the both Dumbo and South Street Seaport. Initially, student groups will form to collaborate and graphically document site-specific characteristics..
The studio will work in four groups. Each group will collectively generate the following documentation:
•SITE: Location- The site should be related to major streets or landmarks previously existing. Aerial photographs help in this assessment stage. There should be documentation of distances and time from major places.
•SITE: Generalities- Includes ,figure ground, neighborhood context, greenspace, places of interaction, accessibility, schools, places of worship, community centers, etc.
•SITE: Legal Elements- Includes zoning classifications, FAR, set-backs, height restrictions, allowable site coverage, uses, and parking requirements etc
•SITE: Commerce- Includes hotels, restaurants, lounges, cafes, bars, and their catchment areas etc.
•SITE: Circulation/Pathways- Includes Residential to Commercial, Residential to Residential, Subways to Residential & Commercial, Schools to Commercial, etc.
•SITE: Urban Walls- Includes façade patterning, hierarchies, solid/void, rhythm, repetition, etc.
•SITE: Climate and Natural Light- Includes natural light intensity, natural light density, analysis over time/space, etc.
•SITE: History- includes neighborhood history
MODEL: each group will be responsible for building a site model 1/32″ = 1′-0″
Sanborn Maps
Google Earth
USGS surveys
U.S. Census
ARCH3610 Site Visit
Site 1
Borough: Brooklyn Block: 200 Lot: 7502 Police Precinct: 84
Landuse: Mixed Residential and Commercial Buildings
Zoning: M1-2
Commercial Overlay: Zoning Map #: 12D
Site 2
Borough: Manhattan Block: 107 and to Water Street Lot: 60 Police Precinct: 1
Address, ZIP Code: PECK SLIP, 10038
Lot Area: 8165 sq. feet Lot Frontage: 142.67 feet Lot Depth: 66 feet
Landuse: Parking Facilities
Zoning: PARK
Floor Area Ratio: 0 Max. Allowable Floor Area Ratio: 0