ASSIGNMENT 4 – Post 5 examples of Symmetry + Hierarchy + Geometry to your Blog

ASSIGNMENT 4: Post 5 examples of symmetry + Hierarchy + Geometry to your Blog

Using your examples of your building typology find five (5) examples of buildings that have symmetry.

“While an axial condition can exist without a symmetrical condition being simultaneously present, a symmetrical condition cannot exist without implying the existience of an axis or center about which it is structured. An axis is established by two points; a symmetrical condition requires the balanced arrangement of equivalent patterns of form and space about a common line (axis) or point (center).

There are basically two types of symmetry:
Bilateral symmetry refers to the balanced arrangement of equivalent elements about a common axis.
Radial symmetry consists of equivalent elements balanced about two or more axes that interest at a central point.”

– Architecture: Form, Space and Order. FK Ching”

Bilateral Symmetry

Radial Symmetry


“The principle of hierarchy implies that in most, if not all architectural composition, real differences exist among their forms and spaces. These differences reflect, in a sense, the degree of importance of these forms and spaces and the functional, formal, and symbolic roles they play in their organization.

For a form or space to be articulated as being important or significant to an organization, it must be made visibly unique. This can be achieved by endowing a form or shape with:

– Exceptional size

– A unique shape

– A strategic location”

-Architecture: Form, Space and Order. FK Ching

Using your 5 examples of your building typology indicate the hierarchy.

When showing the hierarchy, it could be shown in plan, section and/or images.


Geometry is an ordering idea. It explores the idea of how pure geometric forms, like a circle, a square a triangle, manipulate space by interlocking.

1. Using your examples of your building typology show the geometry of the form of the (5) examples. The floor plans, elevations and /or sections can be used to break down the design into simple geometric shapes. Is there additive or subtractive pieces? Using overlays break down the design into the simplest geometric shapes.

Diagram by Roman Derkacz

3 Responses to ASSIGNMENT 4 – Post 5 examples of Symmetry + Hierarchy + Geometry to your Blog

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