3. Programming

3. Assignment-Programming

To create an architectural bubble diagram, you can:

  1. Identify spaces: List all spaces and their functions, including rooms, circulation spaces, and outdoor areas.

  2. Prioritize spaces: Consider the size and importance of each space to determine the size of the bubble that represents it.

  3. Sketch bubbles: Lightly sketch circles or ovals to represent each space.

  4. Label bubbles: Label each bubble with the name or function of the space it represents.

  5. Arrange bubbles: Group bubbles that need to be adjacent to each other or arrange them in a hierarchy based on their importance.

  6. Connect bubbles: Draw lines or arrows between bubbles to show the relationships between them. Thicker lines can indicate stronger relationships.

  7. Add notes: Add labels or notes to clarify the purpose or use of each space.

Space Planning and Architecture

Bubble Diagram In Architecture