Due for Tuesday October 20th – Prof. King

Sheet Layout & Plotting

  • Add your plotting method and settings in the Miro Board
  • One member of each team – please email me your Revit File for Testing  – please coordinate this among the team.
      • Email to Prof.Paul.King@Gmail.com

Pinup for Class

  • Place this weeks in the section labeled Pinup #3
  • Continue to setup your plan and elevation sheets
  • Make sure the exterior Elevation are setup using Duplicate as Dependent as I demonstrated in class
  • Complete setup of all exterior elevations – North/South/East/West
  • For the elevations the drawings will exist at 1/8″ and a second scale complete
  • Plans at 1/8″

Add the following new elements to at least one floor

  • Steel Columns
  • Steel Beams
  • Stairs using the Stair Tool as demonstrated
    (Match the dimensions from your research)



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