55 year old, female, African American, nonsmoker. Patient presents with Hypertension however, blood pressure taken during her initial visit was 120/79, patient also reports having Arthritis. Perio type IV, probing depth range from 3-8mm, severe bleeding upon probing, generalized inflammation and generalized recession. Localized mobility type 2 and 3 on lower anterior. Generalized heavy calculus, light stains. Teeth # 1,14,16,32,30,25,18,17 are missing. FMS was exposed.
FMS supported clinical findings of heavy deposit and boneloss. Patient was informed and ask to sign the progress notes where it clearly stated that mobility and sensitivity will increase due to boneloss and that extractionts may be necessay after the removal of calculus. Patient agree and signature was recorded.
Four Quadarant scaling was done using ultrasonic and handscale. Due to patients sensitivity Topical anesthetic (Benzocaine 20%) was used, followed by local anesthetic inflitration two carpules of carbocaine were used on the mandible. Aresting was applied on #23(M), # 24 (M), #25(D) as a pratice based research assigment to determine reduction in mobility. Oral hygiene instructions were given to the patient, flossing was demonstrated and a power toothbrush was highly recommended. A referral was given to the patient for periodontist evaluation along with her radiographs.
Unfortunately the patient was unavailable to returned to our clinic for reevaluation of arestin due to her work schedule. However, patient was contacted days later and she claimed to have no pain, less mobility but sensitivity is still present, patient hasn’t had any extractions.