Taking a Vacation

In this lab assignment I have used the knowledge on how to write functions to do a lab in which a person is taking a vacation.

What I did was first define the hotel cost and then type the return for $140 for every night you spend in the hotel.

The next step is then to define the plane ride cost to go to one of the four cities and return the individual costs for how much to go on a plane ride.

Then the next part is to define the cost for the rental car, the cost to rent it everyday is $40, with if you rent it for 5 days or more you get $50 off  your total, while 3 days or less gets you $20 off the total.

Near to the end,add in the hotel, plane ride, and car rental cost with your money that you spent on the entire vacation.

Finally, type the print of the trip to Los Angeles where you rented a car for 5 days and had $600 for spending money.