Case Studies

There are two interesting case studies that I want to share with everyone.

Case study 1: This was a young female that was seen in my employer’s private practice. She was receiving orthodontic treatment, patient had a prognathic profile.
This was the panoramic radiograph of the patient in June of 2012 prior to any orthodontic treatment.

#13 on the panoramic radiograph has had a root canal treatment and crown of the tooth is missing.

Patient was then seen in the City Tech clinic and a panoramic was taken on March of 2017

Two of her maxillary premolars were extracted and patient also had maxillofacial surgery along with her orthodontic treatment.

Case Study 2: Patient had many medical and had extreme dental fear. She canceled one appointment with me previously because just the thought of coming in gave her extreme anxiety. She eventually built up enough courage to come into the clinic to see me. I took a panoramic on her, scaled her whole mouth in one visit. I felt that when she left, she was at ease and was more accepting to receiving dental treatment. 

lthough the panoramic radiograph is not the best I’ve taken in clinic, I aimed to make the patient as comfortable as possible.