Lab Description:
In this lab, the program ask the user to input a decimal number, convert it and then display the result in roman numeral, the program should run until the user input zero. The approach I used is as falow: I declared a 32 bit variable name x, moved it to the register eax, and proceed to the printing of the highest roman that can go into the decimal entered, afterward I subtract the equivalent printed value and repeat the process until it reaches zero. I used a while loop in combinasion with if statements to run through all the roman numeral contained in the number that the user input. Keep in mind that C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1.
program roman; #include("stdlib.hhf") static x:int32:=1; begin roman; stdout.put(" ", nl); stdout.put("This program will ask the user to input a decimal number, convert it and display the Roman numeral equivalent.",nl); stdout.put(" ",nl); while(x>0) do stdout.put(" ", nl); stdout.put("Please enter a decimal number:"); stdin.get(x); mov(x,eax); stdout.put("The roman numeral equivalent to ", x , " is: "); if(eax>=100) then while(eax>=100) do sub(100,eax); stdout.put("C"); endwhile; endif; if (eax>=90) then stdout.put("XC"); sub(90,eax); endif; if (eax>=50) then stdout.put("L"); sub(50,eax); endif; if (eax>=40) then stdout.put("XL"); sub(40,eax); endif; if(eax>=10) then while(eax>=10) do sub(10,eax); stdout.put("x"); endwhile; endif; if (eax>=9) then stdout.put("IX"); sub(9,eax); endif; if (eax>=5) then stdout.put("V"); sub(5,eax); endif; if (eax>=4) then stdout.put("IV"); sub(4,eax); endif; if(eax>=1) then while(eax>=1) do stdout.put("I"); sub(1,eax); endwhile; endif; stdout.put(nl); endwhile; if (x=0) then stdout.put("Oops You entered zero, this is not valid good bye.", nl); endif; stdout.put(" ", nl); end roman;