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Shadow Hearts (Series)
The Shadow Hearts (Series) is a series of RPG games released for the PS2. The plot for the games vary as 1&2 are connected and 3 is on its own. For 1&2 it takes place during WWI where you play as a man who has the ability to turn into monsters traveling with others who have different abilities/backgrounds which change in both games, while being involved with many historical places, events and people.

How this series is relevant to my project is that, after watching videos of the game you can tell it has a rather dark nature. Using aspects of fantasy and history with some sci-fi in the mix at times, it really is a dark game series in term of tone and style however it has elements of humor and emotion that sets it on its own. That’s why it is relevant.

H.P Lovecraft
H.P Lovecraft is a horror fiction writer for the earlier section of the 20th century. The stories he writes is based on the mental qualities of fear instead of visual. Giving the reader for his stories a sense of paranoia as the fear of the unknown can be a great but devastating thing, since it is possible these elements of his works could come true.

How is H.P Lovecraft relevant for my project is that, he is a man that created many story elements. Like people, creatures, locations, items and even more. He uses the fear of the unknown to scare people since of what might be lurking from clear view. In fact H.P Lovecraft was an influence for the Shadow Hearts series above for the locations, monsters and designs which the characters fight against. In fact H.P Lovecraft himself appears in the 3rd game!

Problem Sleuth
Problem Sleuth is a webcomic created by Andrew Hussie. The plot of Problem Sleuth is that it is a throwback to point-and-click adventure games, as you read about the title character Problem Sleuth who is stuck in his office and is trying to escape. What starts out as simple hijinks of humor becomes a quest to save the world.

I have chosen Problem Sleuth is because, it was a rather interesting webcomic for me to read. That it has elements of a comic but plays like a game to see what the characters do throughout the story. Since it motivated me with its atmosphere of the 30s-40s to try and use that as a way to make a story/world based on elements of this in terms of film noir. The humor and puzzles that it has are funny, while the puzzles in terms of story. They start out simple but then become so complicated it is hard to make sense of them like Wizard’s Sudoku.

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