Career Goals

My ultimate goal for my career is to become a Nurse Practitioner. Specifically, a Nurse Practitioner in the Mental Health field, or otherwise known as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, a PMHNP. This is a lofty goal which I will undoubtedly work towards with all of my efforts. The first step towards this goal has already been completed – I am a Registered Nurse. Working in a substance abuse inpatient center as a per diem nurse helped me achieve a further step towards becoming a PMHNP. The next steps: finish my Bachelor’s degree, become enrolled in a PMHNP program, and pass the exam to become an NP!

Another career goal I have for myself is to become a strong advocate for nurses’ rights. I have started working on this by becoming a member of the New York State Nurses’ Association, a union that works together to break through roadblocks when it comes to nursing rights and responsibilities.

Lastly, I plan to become a professor in nursing practice. I cannot think of anything else that shows a persons’ dedication to nursing more than to pass on decades of learned skill and knowledge. The newer generations need a proficient educator, and I hope to meet this goal one day.