A) Ethics are important because they keep design clean and honest, as a designer it is important to remember to give credit to work borrowed or even used as inspiration. When you do so, it shows responsibility and establishes credibility.
I am very happy with the projects I’ve been given at my internship. I feel like they push me out my comfort zone and help me elevate to a level of designing I had yet to see myself at. I have been given brand guidelines to follow in order to preserve the identity and integrity of the brand while adding my own work to it.
I have not signed a non disclosure, but I do not feel like the brand follows AIGA Design Guide because we do use stock photos in the posters and the cover of newsletters. However, I do understand that the fact that the photos used are stock photos means that giving credit is not required. Being able to understand certain laws like this one helps me understand the AIGA rules better and become a better designer who knows the basic rules to apply to my work.
Crawford, Tad. Use of Photography. Richard Grefe, AIGA, 2001.
Crawford, Tad. Guide to Copyright. Richard Grefe, AIGA, 2001.