Internship Journal #7: Spring Into Wellness

I have worked on a few projects so far at IFCC. One of them was a flier for an event they are having called Spring Into Wellness. Spring Into Wellness is an event that promotes self care. It’s exclusively for informal (legally-exempt) providers. There’s going to be activities like healing art, yoga and natural products to improve yourself with. One thing that IFCC does is they like to put all of their information onto the flyer because if they say everything that gonna happen at the event, then it can get people to come. However, they wanted the flier done on letter size paper (8.5 in x 11 in) so if not handled carefully, it will look very cramped.

I believe I did fairly good at presenting all of the information on a tiny space in a clean matter. It started with not a lot of info but then events were confirmed and I had to accommodate it to the poster. It went through a lot of changes before the final was created. I added a tree in the background to show that it was spring but my client didn’t want flowers since they were cliche. I made the tree in Illustrator with the shape tool. I used circles for the picture frames instead of squares to give it a more inviting feel to the flier. Because this was about self care, having a soft, round look would add to the tone of the event. Squares have sharp edges which would ruin the tone. That’s why I went with circles.

The font I used was Oswald. It had a bold yet soft look to its form that would help bring in the attention of potential participants. I used both bold and italic weights for contrast so you can differentiate the information. I left space at the bottom of the page because each flier IFCC sends out has to be approved first and once it is, they put a bar code on it. They must not be any important information near the bottom or the bar code will cover it. Overall, I’d say I did good on this project.
