Philosophy Statement


There are multiple theories that are utilized in nursing, as a student at City Tech my theory and clinical courses were based on Jean Watson’s caring theory. Nursing is one of the most rewarding professions that allow nurses to touch the lives of numerous individuals throughout their careers. Branching off Watson’s theory I personally believe that all nurses should approach their patients with a holistic approach with emphasis on their specific cultural and religious values and beliefs. When nurses respect their client’s ideological differences and allow them to express their cultural interest as it relates to their health and wellbeing it facilitates a trusting therapeutic relationship. Nurses take an oath to always render care with the patient interest, desires, and overall optimal well-being in mind. A client needs to be able to trust their nurse, therefore as a nurse, it is a necessity to practice with honesty, fidelity, justice and fulfill the duty to do no harm.

As a nurse, I strive to communicate effectively with all my patients to advocate for their needs while in the hospital and for services that may be needed once they are discharged to the community setting. It is also important that nurses are empathetic, supportive and encouraging throughout the days of their client’s illness or disease process. Nurses should always remember that patients have rights and they too should be approached in the manner that they would want to be treated in if the tables were to turn. A smile can sometimes brighten up a client’s day or just asking a patient if there is anything that can be done for them can instill within their mind that there is someone kind willing to help them or look out for their best interests. As mentioned before, a holistic approach should be applied, especially in today’s society where there is a variety of cultures and religions found within the community and hospital setting, nurses should be culturally competent, aware and sensitive. Nurses should not judge or discriminate against racial, ethnic, cultural, gender or political differences but allow the client to express themselves to ensure that they are comfortable and at ease. In many occasions, it is the nurse who spends the most time with the patients and then relays any pertinent information, wishes or concerns to other members of the healthcare team. A nurse should have good communication skills, a kind warmhearted attitude and always advocate for their clients even if it is something that the nurse does not believe in. The patient should always be at the center of care when establishing care plans throughout their healthcare continuum.