
•Loss of passwords:

â—ŹHacker attacks – while you click on unsafe links or when your password is weak. â—ŹAcquaintance – sometimes you gave your password to your friends or someone you know, it is not safe, sometimes someone you trust is the one who hurt you the most.

•Human mistakes cause data loss:

â—ŹClick the wrong key – For example, Alt+F4, which may close the window.

•Viruses and Malware:

â—ŹCorrupted link – links that may contain viruses.

â—ŹSoftware also can contain viruses.

•Loss of devices:

â—ŹSomeone may take your devices when you leave your devices in a empty space. For example: lunchroom, locker room, gym corner, etc.

•Phishing attempts :

â—ŹPhising attempts could be come through your emails or when you click on some ads on unsafe websites.