Editorial Illustration

Project was to create an editorial illustration for an article we choosed and visually showcase what the article was about

Client: NBC News

Article: “Lawyers Say They Can’t Find the Parents of 545 Migrant Children Separated by Trump Administration” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/lawyers-say-they-can-t-find-parents-545-migrant-children-n1244066

Final Art:

The concept for the illustration was to show a visual representation of the article, which was mainly about how 545 migrant children were separated from their parents and how lawyers can’t find them, so the main focus was to showcase the idea of “searching”. The main concept was to show a investigation pinboard where the story of trying to find the parents of a migrant child would be shown, as well as highlight certain aspects from the article being the Trump Administration was the cause for the family separations and how lawyers were trying to locate the parents in Mexico and Central America. The investigation board is a symbol often associated with the police, often seen in police dramas and shows, to visually show the process of trying to solve a case either a murder or trying to find a missing person, etc. and given the topic of the article I considered it a good visual representation of the situation. The light effect was meant to add onto the investigation pinboard concept and the idea of “searching” as most people often use flashlights to help them find something and the light effect was meant to represent the light from a flashlight.

Pinterest Board: https://www.pinterest.com/9R3c0rd3r/editorial-illustration-project/